Welcome to Cliques Singles Club dating in Lancashire

Over 25's disco dances for single people at Cliques Singles Club dating in Lancashire. A tasteful music policy is in place so come along and join in the party at various venues across Lancashire

Telephone contact Keith 07944-887467

Cliques Club Night Events

We are re-structuring our singles company and venue policy.

Cliques Single Company will be operating regular weekly events very soon, subject to agreed terms.

Subscribe to the Cliques Newsletter for all the latest information and updates.


To Join Cliques Single Company.

All you need to do is come down to one of our events and join on the evening, if your presentation is consistent with our membership requirements, you will be asked (helped) to fill in a simple form.

Or, alternatively you could fill in the membership form on your computer with full details, print out the form and bring it along to the next Cliques Singles Club venue for our administration staff to process.
Click here for the form --->>>

Keep your membership card safe and bring it with you at every Cliques event, failure to produce your card will result in a re-membership application.

Smart/Casual dress code.
Please note: trainers or sports wear (t-shirts) are not allowed.

Cliques Singles Company established 1996

New and existing members are welcome to contact Katie via our administration department, please note that member’s details will remain confidential. katie@cliques.org.uk